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Cassia Miller #3497

Serving In: Africa
Cassia Miller

Cassia grew up in a deeply Christian family, but struggled to connect with Bible stories, feeling that it downplayed women’s roles. At age 13, she prayed for a change, and six months later God had completely transformed her!

Having grown up in a family with eight children, she has always had a huge heart for kids. After recently graduating from high school, Cassia now works at a daycare and aspires to be a mom with lots of kids someday. She says, “I just think that’d be such a beautiful way to serve God—to raise children who love and glorify Him.”

She also grew up on a farm, which taught her to find joy in serving through babysitting, cooking, and caring for animals. Every year she goes with her church to help build a house in Mexico, and recently she’s also been volunteering with a charity to build bunk beds. She said, “Serving God is something I always love doing.”

Now Cassia wants to combine her love for kids and her love for serving God by teaching preschool with Encompass in Cameroon for 10 months. This opportunity is the perfect fit for her passions and skills! It’s ironic that she formerly felt like she couldn’t relate to the people in Bible stories, because she so clearly portrays the same spirit of God that animated all of them, including Jesus Himself.

Thank you for partnering with Cassia in reaching young hearts for Jesus.