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I. B. #3052

Serving In: Western Asia
Like most recent high school grads, I. had dreams of one day getting married and raising a family, but she said, “I wasn't including God in any of it.” Now she’s surrendering those desires to God, and tears came to her eyes as she said, “It's changing my life.” In response to God’s invitation, I. will be serving in Western Asia with Encompass for three months starting in May. On her assignment, she’ll be helping two of our global worker families take care of their 10 kids in total, increasing their capacity to do more outreach. Not only has God given I. a huge heart for kids, but He also equipped her with a childhood of living overseas as a “third culture kid” (TCK). She knows exactly how to minister to these kids, because she’s walked through something similar! This assignment requires I. to raise a total of $4,500, so thank you for partnering with her as she obediently surrenders her life to God.